Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Focus on the Word
What did you do after you were baptized? Celebrate the event with family, go to lunch, throw a party? Jesus went out into the desert where He would be confronted by “the tempter.” He left his baptism, entered into the desert, and “fasted for forty days and forty night.” Then, after he had fasted for almost six weeks “the devil” showed up to work his work in an effort to take Jesus down.
Jesus was hungry so the tempter encouraged Him to use his power and turn stones into bread. The tempter then encouraged Jesus to do something spectacular. After all, He was the Son of God. Why should He be hungry or whether worn or fatigued? One simple act of throwing Himself off the pinnacle of the temple would bring angels flying in by the scores and then everybody would know that He was special, that He was the Son of God. Then came the third invitation. If Jesus would bow down and worship “the devil,” He would be given “all the kingdoms of the world and their glory” (Matthew 4:8, NASB). He would be given power beyond comprehension.
And, Jesus said NO to every offer. He would not negotiate with his enemy. He would glorify the Father no matter what it might mean in His life. He would not forfeit the glories of God for the empty claims of one who would pretend to be God.
In this season of Lent, in our own forty days of walking with Jesus in soul searching, thoughtful meditation, and sincere praying, “Search me O God…lead me in the everlasting way” (Psalm 139:23-24), let us keep drawing near the Father.
The enemy will make wonderful, awesome, and powerful promises, promises that will not be kept. May we keep our hearts tuned to the truthful Word of God. May Jesus help us to remember, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God…You shall not put the lord your God to the test…You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only” (Matthew 4: 4, 7, 19).
Today’s Prayer
We beseech thee, Master, to be our helper and protector. Save the afflicted among us; have mercy on the lowly; raise up the fallen; appear to the needy; heal the ungodly; restore the wanderers of thy people; feed the hungry; ransom our prisoners; raise up the sick; comfort the faint-hearted.
(Clement of Rome, 1st Century)
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