Saturday, August 29, 2009

The world giggles, if not outright laughs, at the thought of there really being a devil; the apostle Paul didn’t. As a matter of fact, neither did Jesus. After being harassed and “tempted by the devil” (Matt. 4:1), Jesus finally said to him, “Go Satan!” (Matt. 4:10). Not much giggling in that command.

For Paul the word is clear, “put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil” (Eh. 6:11). The staggering word in that statement is “schemes.” The enemy is at work and his strategy is based on schemes designed to take down those who believe Jesus Christ is Lord.

Never take your Christian life for granted, and never underestimate the capacity of the enemy to implement cunning plans designed to distract you from God. And, remember, the enemy never works from the position of integrity. He could care less about a fair fight. His intent is to win, how he cares not. He will “steal…kill and destroy” (John 10:10), and if need be he will do it from within the costume of a gentle lamb or in the appearance of an angel of light.

In all this remember one thing, however; the devil isn’t lord. Jesus is Lord. Satan is a defeated foe, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ proves it. The enemy can still work his works and will do so until Jesus comes back for His Church in such a powerful way that every knee will bow and ever tongue confess that He is Lord (See Phil. 2).

So, the word of the Lord to us is “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.” Jesus is the conquering King, and in Him we find that we also conquer. The next time the enemy shows up to take you down remind Him that you live in the One who has already taken him down. Remind him that Jesus is Lord; he hates that.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The New Testament vision of God’s presence in the human experience is that he wants His people to live the life of a new creation. The old creation (the natural person apart from God) is about living in the killing, stealing and destroying ways of the thief from hell (see John 10:10). It’s about living below what you are capable of living by the grace of God. The new creation is about life and hope and forgiveness and destiny and future and promise; its about renewal and purpose and meaning. God wants the old creation to lose its grip on us, and for the life of Jesus to set us free to know God fully, and to live in wholeness, with meaning and dignity and ongoing, life-changing transformation in the grace and love of God.

The old creation says, "You're a loser; give it up.” The new creation says, "You are created in the image of God. Don’t ever give up.

The old creation says, "You're a mess; and you are trapped and imprisoned in a nightmare you created for yourself by the choices you've made. There is no hope. The new creation says, "God is here, and there is help for you beyond the wildest stretches of your imagination. The power of God will set you free and you can fly like an eagle in your life.

The old creation says, “You are Lord. You are the center of the universe. Cheat if you want to, lie if you want to, steal if you want it, gossip if it helps your cause; get what you want when you want it and if you can't get in, inflict pain on anybody who gets in your way. The new creation says, "Deep down inside your heart you know that the enticement of the old creation is leading you down the path to destruction. You know there is a way that seems right, but in the end it leads to death (Prov. 14:12).

Let’s be a people who let the new things of God lead us forward. Let God be God in our midst.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

For my Bresee Church family

If we wanted to be about the business of building a great church for God, how would we go about it? You might say, “Well it’s a little late to ask that question now since we are some ninety years into the process?” I ask it anyway because, I believe, it is a question that must be re-asked just about everyday, in these fast paced and ever changing days.

Our church wasn’t organized until 1921 but it was begun in 1919. In 1919 where we are now is best described in the film, Stars Wars. In the opening scene a message scrolls up the screen, “in a galaxy far, far away…” That was Washington Blvd. 1919, and that world no longer exists. Questions asked in 1919 are inappropriate in 2009. The motive behind the questions may be the same, but it doesn’t work to ask 1919 questions in 2009.

So, if we wanted to be about the business of building a great church for God, how would we go about it? I suggest the best approach would be that suggested by Proverbs 3:5-6,

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Being the church is about being a people who live for the glory of God. It’s not about us. Its about God’s “marvelous, infinite, matchless grace, freely bestowed on all who believe!” So it is, we trust in the Lord with all our heart. What God is doing in the world is bigger than us, and we must never simply lean on our own understanding.

Being the church is leaning on God, trusting in Him, and acknowledging Him in every way, shape and form. God speaks 2009 just like He spoke 1919. So, get on board. God will make your paths straight.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

God had a word to speak to the people of Israel, and it was a marvelous word. He had delivered them from the clutches of Egypt and was in process of bringing them into their own land. More important than land, however, was the way God wanted to treat His people. He told them that He wanted them to be His “special treasure” (Exodus 19:5). As they responded in faithfulness to His voice and His covenant God would enable them to be to him, “A kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exod. 19:6).

The people had seen God’s deliverance; they had personally experienced how God had “bore” them “on eagles’ wings” (Exod. 29:4) and had brought them to Himself. They were blessed beyond their ability to fully comprehend it. All they had to do was to love God and be faithful to His covenant.

This is the Word of the Lord that comes to us today. As the Church we are a part of God’s “kingdom of priests.” We are God’s holy nation, a nation without borders, comprised of all peoples who have believed in Christ and who, therefore, live in faithfulness to God’s covenant.

And, what does this covenant look like today? It looks like Jesus. In Jesus God has said to people that they are His “special treasure.” We look to Jesus and we know how God wants us to live. We see His love, and we are compelled to love. We see His mercy, and we are compelled to live in mercy. We see His forgiveness, and we are compelled to live among others in a spirit of forgiveness. We look at His life and see what it means for God to be among us, and we know there is no higher calling than to live in the mind and spirit of Jesus.

We look to Jesus and find that we are compelled to “tell to the generation to come the praises of the Lord” (Psalm 78:4).