Sunday, September 08, 2024


In a fallen world tragedies happen; good things happen to the good and the bad, and bad things happen to the good and the bad.  This leads some people to conclude that God cannot possibly be love.  A loving God, they say, could never let tragedies happen to anybody.

Jesus disagrees.  To drive His point home He died on the cruel cross of Calvary in a redemptive act that ultimately and finally will restore all creation to its original and intended purpose.  In the mean time God loves so much that He lets His very creation, created in His image, wander away from grace because that's really what they wanted to do.  He let them go but He never gave up on them and, in the fullness of time, Jesus was birthed into the human situation to do for us what so desperately needed to happen.


The truth is that we are all sinners in desperate need of facing the truth about our broken lives (Luke 13:5).  The issue is not why do bad things happen.  The issue is how far God will go to restore a hurting world to Himself.  We must never forget that God is aware of all that happens and that His grace brings His very life into all it means for us to live in a very dangerous world.   

Once upon a time God showed up in a bush that was not consumed and promised Moses that He had heard the cries of His people and that He was going to act on their behalf (Exodus 3:4, 7-8).  And, act He did.  He delivered them, called them to Himself, and began a journey with them that took Him to a hill just outside the city of Jerusalem where Jesus “emptied Himself of all but love and bled for Adam’s helpless race” (Charles Wesley).


Does God really care?  Yes, God does.  All the way to the cross God cares.  Let that truthful story be lived out in the world for which Jesus died.

Let’s go out and make God look good.

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