Sunday, February 12, 2012

Intentional Faithfulness

 Athletes know the value of discipline, self-control, and pursing goals.  Followers of Jesus Christ ought to know the value of these things, also. In I Corinthians 9:26 Paul says, "I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air." 
Purpose, methodology, drive, design, practice, wisdom, all these are a part of an athlete mastering his or her sport.  They are a part, also, for those who have come to Jesus Christ, trusted in Him for the salvation of God, and are seeking to live the abundant and eternal life graciously bestowed on them by God.
How important is this kind of focus?  Paul thought it was very important.  In Corinthians 10:12 he counseled the early church, "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall."  We Christians are not invincible and invulnerable, and we are quite capable of being distracted or, worse yet, thinking that we are better than we really are.  So, let him who thinks he stands take heed
Let's take our faith seriously, and embrace a lifestyle that draws us closer and closer to the heart of the God who has entered into our story so that He may draw closer to us.  If Jesus is all we say He is, may our love for Him move us to practice the kind of lifestyle that will enhance His life in us and deepen the relationship we have with Him.           
Today, let's be intentional in our walk with Christ.  We have trusted in Him; now let's live out the meaning of that trust.

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