Wednesday, October 30, 2019


In his book The Wisdom of Tenderness, Brennan Manning tells the following story:

Several years ago, Edward Farrell of Detroit took his two-week vacation to Ireland to celebrate his favorite uncle’s 80th birthday. On the morning of the great day, Ed and his uncle got up before dawn, dressed in silence, and went for a walk along the shores of Lake Killarney. Just as the sun rose, his uncle turned and stared straight at the rising sun.  Ed stood beside him for 20 minutes with not a single word exchanged. Then his elderly uncle began to skip along the shoreline, a radiant smile on his face. After catching up with him, Ed commented, “Uncle Seamus, you look very happy. Do you want to tell my why?” “Yes, lad,” the old man said. “You see, the Father is fond of me. Ah, my Father is so very fond of me.”
Brennan Manning, The Wisdom of Tenderness (Harper San Francisco, 2002), pp. 25-26

Do you believe this about God.  Jesus says you should.  

God bless you and keep you.
-- A fellow Pilgrim

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