Tuesday, September 29, 2015


A Devotional Thought

Being the people of God is a marvelous wonder. 

We live by faith and stake our lives on our faith being rooted and grounded in Truth, as that Truth is realized in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.

We do what we believe God calls us to do and we live on the basis of the integrity we see in God revealed in Jesus.

We take the Bible seriously and read it as divine revelation.

We take creation seriously and seek to be stewards of the world into which God has placed us.

We take people seriously and seek to make a fair playing field for people of all races, creeds and colors.

We take morality seriously and seek to lead lives that reflect the goodness of God.

We take ethics seriously and seek to live honorably and nobly in our spheres of influence.

We're not perfect but the One who is, has taken hold of our hand and is leading us forward.

We may make mistakes but the One who doesn't lives within us holding us to a strict accountability that leads us to admit it when we fail, face it down, own it, and then do all we can to get it right.

We seek to live in response to God and not in that place of micro-managing God.

We seek not to bring God down to our brain's ability to comprehend Him, but to allow God to expand our capacities up so as to live in His infinite and creative imagination and power.

In the end, we are just folks who have become captivated by what we see when we look into the eyes of Jesus.  In response we have joined up with Him, taking one step at a time into the future.  It is an awesome journey and quite a ride.

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