Monday, April 21, 2014


In “The Shawshank  Redemption,” Stephen King has Andy Dufresne telling Red that people had to, “Get busy living, or get busy dying.”  On this Monday after Easter the word to us is, “Get busy living.”  Remember the old spiritual

Lord I keep so busy praisin' my Jesus, Ain't got time to die. 

When I'm helpin' the sick, Ain’t got time to die.

When I'm feedin' the poor, Ain't got time to die. 


When I'm givin' my all (I'm servin' my master) Ain't got time to die 


Let me tell you if I don't praise Him the rocks are gonna cry out.
Glory and honor, glory and honor 
Ain't got time to die 

Glory and honor, glory and honor 
Ain't got time to die.

Let’s get busy living in the grace, vision, and power of the Resurrected and now living, Lord Jesus Christ.  

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