Thursday, April 11, 2013

I AM GOING FISHING ... John 21:1-19

What would you do after having witnessed the resurrection of Jesus?  Peter, along with a few of his friends, went fishing.  How’s that for a change of pace?  I think only Peter could come up with an idea like this at a time like that. 

I kind of like it, though.  They were still processing the whole thing, had some time on their hands, and went out to do what they did so well, fish.  Maybe that is where serving a resurrected Lord begins, with what one knows to do.  There was no pomp and circumstance in it.  They just went fishing.

Then the fishing trip became embraced by grace.  Jesus shows up.  Suddenly we know something great is about the happen, something that will add to the drama of the unfolding impossible.  And, wouldn’t you know it.   There is nothing extraordinary, no life changing revelation.  Jesus just asked the guys if they had any fish on hand. 

That’s it.  The resurrected Lord, who suffered, died, went to Hades, and then was raised from the dead asks about fish.  You’ve got to be kidding.  Fish!  One would think Jesus would have said to the men, “We’ve got bigger things to fry than fish.”  But he asks about the fish, and then directs the fishless men, to cast the net on the “right side of the boat,” with the promise that if they did so, they would catch lots of fish.  They did, and Jesus was right, they caught more fish than they could handle (John 21: 5-6).

In that event the disciples recognized Jesus.  It was the last time we read of them fishing for fish.  No longer would they do the ordinary because the ordinary, all of it, would now be stamped with the glory of God in such a way that even the ordinary would become a most holy place and event.  Jesus would encounter the routine and He would make all things new.

Is it not breathtaking to know that Jesus is with us in the ordinary and routine?  I think so because most of life is lived out in the ordinary and routine.  God is with me now, and He is with you, too.  Listen carefully and He may ask you, “What’s for breakfast?”  In fact, He may just prepare breakfast for you and your friends (John 20:12). After all He is Lord of heaven and earth.  I’m sure He knows how to cook, too.

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