Sunday, December 02, 2012


Off in the distance, maybe closer than we think, we hear a voice calling, "Clear the way for the Lord" (Malachi 3:1).  Immediately we know God is up to something, something big--big enough to clear the desert for the building of a highway, big enough to lift up valleys and to make rough ground plain, and to turn rugged terrain into a broad valley.  This is big BIG.
This is so big that God Himself is going to show up.  He "will come with might, with His arm ruling for Him" (Isaiah 40:10).  He is going to show up in power and authority.  This isn't big.  This is huge.
And when He gets here He will be "Like a shepherd," [and] He will tend to His flock.  Did we read that correctly?  That doesn't sound so huge.  That sounds simple and ordinary.  Where are the power and authority and dynamite and flash and fireworks?  There aren't any.
At least it looks like there aren't any.  This "Lord" and "Shepherd" doesn't need fireworks to make His point.  He simply comes among the folks and manifests His life.  "The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood" (John 1:14 Msg).  Are you kidding me?  That's it?  Yes, that is it.
And, it is a big IT.  It is God the Maker of heaven and earth entering into His creation and doing so in the power and authority and gentleness of the God who loves and cares and embraces. 
This is huge.  This is eternity huge.  God comes to us, not to write us off but to include us in.  He comes to reveal His glory--to us.  Who would have thought it?  Only God Himself.

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