Sunday, November 11, 2012


 In the Church we speak of being totally committed to Jesus.  We talk about taking up our cross and following Him, and about jettisoning anything in our lives that stands in the way of Jesus being Lord in us.  It is a very serious issue for us, and we take it to heart, seeking to live in light of the grace and mercy of God that have come to us. 
I have been thinking about what all this means in the day-in and day-out matters of living our lives.  Where is it exactly the rubber meets the road, so to speak? Its got to be more than simply words and spiritual duty.  This is a life matter.  It should consume all it means for followers of Jesus to be followers of Jesus. 
In my thinking and praying and seeking I developed what I call an "Insight." INSIGHT is an acrostic standing for, I Now Surrender Into God's Hand."  When I got to the T, I drew a blank not knowing what word to choose.  I got to thinking about words that begin with the letter T.  Tomorrow.  Today. Things.  Thoughts.  Temptations. Time.  Talents.  Treasure. Tests.  Trials. Troubles. Tribulations.  Living in Southern California I couldn't resist listing Traffic. 
What is it you might need to surrender into God's hand now?  What's on your list?  Colossians 3:24 reminds us, "It is the Lord Christ whom you serve." What might Jesus want you to put on your list?  Give it to Him, and let Him work liberation into your soul and joy to your heart.

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