Thursday, May 24, 2012

Floodgates of Grace

 When I was a kid my family made a trip back home to Missouri, a part of which was to the Ozarks where my mom was raised.  She and her family took us about as far from reality as my young mind could comprehend, to the home in which they were raised. It was August in Southern Missouri, and it was hot (humid hot), I mean hot hot. 
As we walked around the old house that had not been lived in for quite some time, someone remembered an old Artesian well they used for family needs.  They began a search and after some time, found it.  It was covered by a piece of wood about two feet by two feet.  As they lifted up the cover, sure enough the water was bubbling away.  And, like everyone else, on that hot and humid August Missouri afternoon, I placed my face right down into the bubbles and I tell you for a moment on that August afternoon I thought I was in heaven.  It was cool and clear and clean and it rejuvenated my body and made August a doable month in Missouri.
And Jesus tells us, "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From His innermost being will flow rivers of living water'" (John 7:38).  Greater even than an Artesian well on a hot and humid Missouri afternoon, Jesus opens the flood gates of grace so that the waters of the living God will rejuvenate our lives and quench the thirst that is in us.
I wonder how many people are living in hot and humid days in their inner lives, days in which relief seems never to come.  Yet, relief has come.  There is a Savior and to believe in Him is to have let loose in one's life the river of God.  This awesome Savior says, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink" (John 7:37).
Go ahead.  Come to Him.  Put your face right down into the fresh, cool, clear, wonderful river of life, a river that flows from the throne of grace, and soak it all in.    

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