We Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is central to all we believe and it stands as the defining event in all history. We live in a world where Jesus has been raised from the dead. The world has a Redeemer, a Savior, a Friend. You have a Redeemer, a Savior, a Friend. None of us can say, “Nobody cares.” In fact, Somebody does care, and gave His life as an expression of the depth of His concern.
In the living Christ God brings His life into our lives and fills us with what it means for God to be God ~ Love, Forgiveness, Truth, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control, just to name a few realities of His life in us.
Jesus takes out of us things like “anger, wrath, malice, slander, abusive speech, greed, falsehood, bitterness.” He fills us with the capacity to “be kind to one another,” to be “tenderhearted,” and to be able to “forgive each other, just as,” Paul says, “God in Christ also has forgiven you.”
In the living Christ, our lives are made whole; that’s the pragmatic issue before us. In Jesus God lavishes His grace on people. He does not force Himself on people but to those who come to Christ and who believe in Him, they are lavished with His grace, awestruck by His kindness, and awed by His goodness.
Because Jesus lives, we live free and forgiven and whole. We live within the embrace of God whose very life pulsates through our lives.
He is risen! He is risen, indeed.
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