Sunday, October 05, 2008

We are citizens of many relationships: family, work, school, community, state, country. There is a sense in which we have loyalty to all these relationship, a loyalty that issues into responsibility and duty.

There is a concern, however. In the end we followers of Jesus are citizens of only one relationship. The Bible says, “Our citizenship is in heaven” (Phil 3:20). All other citizenships are defined by this one citizenship.

It is our relationship with God in Christ that defines who we are. It is God who holds ultimate authority in our lives, an authority that defines how we relate in all other relationships.

This is a huge because we live in a world where there are, in fact, many people who “are enemies of the cross of Christ” (Phil. 3:18). Not every one feels about Jesus the way you and I feel about Him. Many of these folks hold positions of authority in the many relationships we have. Because of this we cannot afford to see ourselves as anything less than citizens of the King we serve.

In fact, we are citizens of heaven living in “enemy occupied territory,” according to C. S. Lewis. In that light it is important that we keep the communication channels open with the One for whom we live. We can’t afford to get our loyalties confused or our relationships cluttered with distractions.

Make no mistake about it, too; there are distractions everywhere and if we aren’t careful we can get caught up in lesser things, and find ourselves in a place where Jesus is just one loyalty among many loyalties. However, may it never be. For us, Jesus is Lord, and no one else. ~~~ no one.

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