Of all the things it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ it seems that receiving persons as persons is very high on the list. We live in a much divided world, an us-verses-them world. We have the rich and the poor, my tribe and your tribe, my color and your color, my ways and your ways – and never the twain shall meet. And, Jesus says NO to all this.
Jesus tells us the story of a very rich man whose wealth allowed him to do just about whatever he wanted to do, and He tells the story of a very poor man, a man so poor that he didn’t have health care, and lived out his days “covered with sores, and longing to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man’s tables” (Luke 16:20).
The rich man had no place for God in his life and the poor man had much room in his heart for God. Then they both died, and Jesus tells us the rich man was totally unprepared for the day of this death and was greatly tormented, but that the poor man was taken up to be with God and found great comfort in the presence of God (Luke 17:25).
I’m not sure at all that this story is about wealth and poverty. I think it is about living truly human lives, living in the mind and spirit of the One who created us. I believe it is about living without walls and in a community where everybody is somebody simply because they are God’s creation, and not because of what they can or can’t bring to the community.
After it was too late the wealthy man had a spiritual epiphany. Too bad he didn’t have it when out of his abundance he could have made a difference in the life of another human being. Maybe that’s why Jesus told the story, to remind us that we still have time -- We still have time to bring the grace of God into our world.
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